Sunday Ain't Scary
Sunday Ain't Scary
I'm taking a break
Hey friends! Thanks so much for being part of this project.
#SundayAintScary has meant a lot to me over the past 6 months. When I published my first episode in October of 2021, I knew I wanted to publish at least 20 episodes and then see if I felt like continuing after. While the number was somewhat arbitrary, I knew that getting to 20 episodes is a feat and I went 20/22 in the past 22 weeks.
Now that I'm here, I feel honored and blessed to have so many people listen and send me messages of support and that my content resonated with them. I post this with a subliminal feeling of guilt knowing those that really enjoyed it won't be hearing new episodes anytime soon. But let me say this, guilt is a terrible way to make a decision!
I'm taking a break to put the primary focus and energy on my book and Kickstarter, and will be traveling the next 4 months to Mexico, Croatia, Turkey, and Bulgaria. I don't want this podcast to be a "checkbox." If I'm going to do it, I want it to be fully aligned to me, and right now it feels like something I need to drop to make space in my life for other things.
I'm lucky to have multiple "right" decisions here, but that also makes it tough to know what to cut. I hope you can use motivation from this episode to cut something that's not aligned to your purpose at the moment. And until next time, keep wandering, you're not lost.
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The Sunday Ain't Scary podcast is the show dedicated to those addicted to living outside of their comfort zone, obsessed with designing a life of freedom, and who choose to make every day count, because they know... Sunday Ain't Scary.
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► Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Audio)
► Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Video)
(Note: I stopped doing video after Ep. 4 to maintain my sanity)
Keep wandering, you're not lost 🌎
This podcast is edited, mixed, and mastered by Polsky Podcast.