Sunday Ain't Scary
The Sunday Ain't Scary podcast is the show dedicated to those addicted to living outside of their comfort zone, obsessed with designing a life of freedom, and who choose to make every day count, because they know... Sunday Ain't Scary.
23 episodes
I'm taking a break
Hey friends! Thanks so much for being part of this project. #SundayAintScary has meant a lot to me over the past 6 months. When I published my first episode in October of 2021, I knew I wanted to publish at least 20 episodes and th...
[20] STOP Being Original - A Creator's Guide to Success
The copy and paste button was invented for a reason. The most surefire way to continue to spin your wheels in life is to force yourself to start from scratch every time you do something. In this episode I’m going to teach you strategies to incr...
[19] A Month Long Challenge You Can Steal From Me to Become the Best Version of Yourself
I started a challenge in March with 8 friends! Feel free to steal it from me below:The StructureThe challenge is a $31 USD wager. Each dollar represents ONE day in March (hence $31). One dollar for each day. You can...
[18] Be. Do. Have.
To get what you want out of life, you need to first act like the person you want to BE by doing the things they would DO so you can have the things they would HAVE.What We’re Conditioned to Believe:
[17] We All Live in the Same Glass House
At what lengths must we search just to find out that we're all imperfect?We live in a world in which we impact each other with everything we do, yet we find ourselves in extreme silos of division.In these silos, we create so muc...
[16] Things Don't Happen for a Reason
I've heard time and time again that "things happen for a reason." I disagree...Things just happen. The meaning that comes from the situation, or the "reason" is completely manufactured by the person. Two people...
[15] Ten Habits of Highly Effective Remote Workers and Nomads
Life requires you to integrate your best self into all areas because they are all connected. This means: establishing habits for health, wealth, work productivity, and relationships.Why is this important?It’s incredibly easy to ne...
[14] How to Get Universal Energy to Work in Your Favor
You are the universe experiencing itself in physical form, and everything you experience is governed by energy, here's how to get it to work in your favor...After some time of feeling down, I've had a shift of energy. Being able to exte...
[13] This is Why You Like to Suffer
"Until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate."I’ve gone through life thinking that I know what I want. I want the good things to happen to me, and I don’t want the bad things to ha...
[12] I'm in a F******g Rut. Here's How I'm Getting Out.
I’m in a fucking rut: I’m unable to walk, I'm the heaviest I've ever been, I'm forcing my business through a transformation, I'm unhappy... and in this episode, I'm going to tell you how I'm going to get out of this.Like most *honest* hu...
[11] My Reflection Cheat Code: How to Easily Document Every Year of Life
My biggest life hack is reflection! My life dramatically changed when I started keeping track: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly... but unless you have a process, it can seem incredibly overwhelming.In this episode, I describe h...
[10] More Isn't Better
What if instead of more, our goal was "Less, but better?" I recently read a book called Essentialism, which has quickly become one of my favorites. It gives you a framework to develop your own purpose and stay focused on your goals. It is a dis...
[9] Universal Lessons From 2 Life Changing Surgeries in 6 Months
In the past 6 months, I've gone through 2 life-changing surgeries.A half year ago I had my gallbladder removed because of gallstones that threatened to infect my pancreas (which is potentially fatal), and on the 1st of December, I had an...
[8] How to Improve Your Everyday Conversations (5 Easy Steps)
Last week I made the argument on the podcast that the most important, granular thing in your life is the conversations you have with people every day. These conversations are indicative of your quality of life...BUT, I realized I left ou...
[7] This Qualitative Metric is Proportional to Your Quality of Life
If you agree that your relationships are the most important thing in your life, it makes sense to deconstruct what makes them important and how we can improve them.When we are disconnected we mentally deteriorate and literally go insane ...
[6] Try These 3 Networking Techniques to Always Stay in Touch
Staying in touch with friends, former colleagues, and even family can be difficult at times. As we age and life takes us down various paths, it's easy to lose touch with those we care about for no other reason than being busy.In this po...
[5] The Four Steps to Gain Confidence in Anything
During a session a few years ago, one of my previous coaches gave me a lesson on how to gain confidence in growing my business. When he started speaking about the methodology, I felt surprised at how simple it seemed, yet it forever changed the...
[4] What I Learned From My Best Friend Dying
A physical life was taken from us far too early... Danny, one of my closest friends, who was only 30, passed away unexpectedly just over a year ago. Being as tragic as it was, I've found myself looking for the lessons from this experien...
[3] Sobering Reflections from Quitting Booze (3+ Years Alcohol Free)
In August of 2018, I stopped drinking alcohol. Over 3 years later, I'm still committed to my decision. In this podcast, I talk about my original reasoning as well as how I quit.I discuss the societal misconception about quitting alcohol...
[2] How to Not Think Everyone's an Asshole
We often judge ourselves based on our intentions, and others based on their behavior.One of the best practices in my life is constantly working to become aware of my internal stories and avoiding the trap of taking everything too person...
[1] The Ancient Peruvian Plant Medicine That Changed My Life
Ayahuasca. A plant medicine derived from the Amazonian jungle. Misunderstood and vilified, I believe it's the greatest tool I've ever discovered for exploration of consciousness, self-improvement, and actualization.Mother Aya will be pa...