Sunday Ain't Scary

[11] My Reflection Cheat Code: How to Easily Document Every Year of Life

Jordan Carroll
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00:00 | 14:18

My biggest life hack is reflection! My life dramatically changed when I started keeping track: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly... but unless you have a process, it can seem incredibly overwhelming.

In this episode, I describe how I do it and give you the tools to use what I do as an example for yourself. DM me on Instagram with anything you do to reflect, I want to hear it!

  • Daily: I keep a daily journal which I've been doing for the past 6+ years. I prefer the 5 Minute Journal by Intelligent Change.
  • Weekly: I update a Google Doc by compiling answers from my weekly, hand-written journal into a digital format. Find the template in the "Links Mentioned" section. I also update a metrics sheet to keep track of the important numbers in life and biz.
  • Monthly: I create a calendar invite to go through my weekly reflection and answer a series of questions that help me redirect my energy and plan for the next month. The template is also below.
  • Quarterly: I have a call with my mastermind group where we review the quarter together, and I'm able to pull the high-level stuff from my monthly reflection.
  • Yearly: I go into each level of reflection and bold the important stuff. I then go back through my photo album and pick out the best pictures. I compile the main things that happened into a Canva story template and create a story highlight.

Links Mentioned


The Sunday Ain't Scary podcast is the show dedicated to those addicted to living outside of their comfort zone, obsessed with designing a life of freedom, and who choose to make every day count, because they know... Sunday Ain't Scary.⁣

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Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Audio)

Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Video)

(Note: I stopped doing video after Ep. 4 to maintain my sanity)

Keep wandering, you're not lost 🌎

This podcast is edited, mixed, and mastered by Polsky Podcast.