Sunday Ain't Scary

[1] The Ancient Peruvian Plant Medicine That Changed My Life


Ayahuasca. A plant medicine derived from the Amazonian jungle. Misunderstood and vilified, I believe it's the greatest tool I've ever discovered for exploration of consciousness, self-improvement, and actualization.

Mother Aya will be part of my journey at least once a year for the rest of my life. It is a practice, not a 'one-time fix-all' experience. 

During my first trip, what I experienced was somewhere between 4–7 hours of the most paradoxically clarifying and confusing series of events that have occurred in my life.

I came to the conclusion that the realities I faced during my Ayahuasca ceremony were as legitimate as any “reality” I experienced outside of it.

In this podcast, I discuss some of my lessons from 8 ceremonies in 3 countries.

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The Sunday Ain't Scary podcast is the show dedicated to those addicted to living outside of their comfort zone, obsessed with designing a life of freedom, and who choose to make every day count, because they know... Sunday Ain't Scary.⁣

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Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Audio)

Sunday Ain't Scary Episodes (Video)

(Note: I stopped doing video after Ep. 4 to maintain my sanity)

Keep wandering, you're not lost 🌎

This podcast is edited, mixed, and mastered by Polsky Podcast.